Friday, January 29, 2010


I need some ideas to let this anger out of me. I have tried some writing, but that is not helping. Does anybody have ideas?


  1. I like screaming into a pillow. Yoga helps me, too. I'd love to do boxing, but can't right now. I'm sorry you're not feeling great. Thinking of you!

  2. I haven't really found much that helps. I have two journals, one I write my own thoughts in and one that I write letters to my babies in. I wish I could help. Usually crying makes me feel a little better. xo

  3. Exercise has helped me immensely. Not walking on a treadmill while reading kind of exercise, but really pushing it exercise. I hardly ever have the urge to punch things anymore :) I just started with the New Year, and felt a difference right away, but if I stop (we were all sick) it starts to creep back...

  4. I don't know. I wish I knew. But I am there with you.
